Happy New Year! from all of us at Joeveo

Rebirth, Rejuvenation, and the Morning Cup of Tea

Things have been getting a little busier here at Joeveo HQ. We've found ourselves in the iterative process of sampling and production. This can mean early mornings, late nights, and full days. There are many ways in which we can help ourselves relax and rest during the busy times. Sometimes its an episode of our favorite show, a great book, conversation with close friends, or napping next to our pet. The small escapes begin to hold more value, and we realize the treasure of down time.

But when the days hold more and more, it becomes harder and harder to rise in the morning. Groggy and grizzled we press the snooze just one more time, always knowing the sound of the alarm will come in time. Sometimes it slowly pulls you out of a pleasant dream. Often it will bring you to wakefulness instantly. And then there are the strange and somehow even worse moments when you awake to see that your alarm will go off in minutes. And no matter what sound you choose, and no matter how soothing it once was, your alarm will grow to become a pavlovian response of utter annoyance. I'm sure we've all had one or two of these mornings:


But there are ways to mitigate this response and the associated discomfort. And one of the best ways I've found... is the magical elixir of a morning cup of joe. This bitter beverage has become a life blood, a potion of rejuvenation that awakens from the mind to the fingertips. The smell, the warmth, the complex flavors of a great brew combine to become something altogether entirely different. A moment, not a drink. The mornings have become a moment of rebirth, where I take the time to sip, and savor, and feel the energy we've harvested from the earth. While I sip I have the time to reflect on the past days and plan into the future, rooting myself in the present. I have found myself shaking off the heavy shackles of sluggishness and becoming more willing to take on the day and all of its challenges.

Let's tackle every morning with a sense of rejuvenation and rebirth.

Peace, love, and happy sipping,


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